प्ले स्कूल के वॉशरूम में मिला स्पाई कैमरा, डायरेक्टर गिरफ्तार
सेंट्रल कॉन्गो में नाव पलटने से 25 लोगों की मौत, दर्जनों लापता
डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने कहा- भारत बहुत ज्यादा टैरिफ लगाता है, बदले में टैक्स लगाने की दी धमकी
कनाडा: संसद में विपक्षी सदस्यों ने की प्रधानमंत्री जस्टिन ट्रूडो से पद छोड़ने की मांग
उत्तरी गाजा में खाना और पानी की सप्लाई को 'पूरी तरह' रोक रहा इजरायल- यूएन
बीबीसी डॉक्यूमेंट्री विवाद पर दिल्ली के रोहिणी कोर्ट में आज फिर होगी सुनवाई
'इजरायल ने सीरिया के साथ युद्ध विराम का उल्लंघन किया' बफर जोन पर कब्जे के बाद यूएन का बयान
चीन भारत के साथ काम करने को तैयार है, अजीत डोभाल-वांग यी की मुलाकात से पहले बीजिंग का बयान
इजरायल के पीएम बेंजामिन नेतन्याहू ने सीरिया में कब्जाए गए बफर जोन का दौरा किया
बहरीन इंटरनेशनल कॉमर्शियल कोर्ट में जज नियुक्त किए गए सुप्रीम कोर्ट के पूर्व जज एसके कौल
नोएडा: प्ले स्कूल के वॉशरूम में मिला स्पाई कैमरा, डायरेक्टर गिरफ्तार
हिमाचल प्रदेश विधानसभा का शीतकालीन सत्र आज से होगा शुरू, 21 दिसंबर तक चलेगा
जम्मू कश्मीर के सीएम उमर अब्दुल्ला आज दिल्ली आएंगे, अमित शाह से करेंगे मुलाकात
किसान नेता सरवन सिंह पंढेर का आज रेल रोको आंदोलन
संभल में मिले मंदिरों की जांच के लिए नहीं जाएगी ASI टीम
J-K: डोडा में चिनाब घाटी में जंगल में लगी भीषण आग
बीजेपी हर राज्य में UCC लेकर आएगी: राज्यसभा में बोले अमित शाह
'मुस्लिम पर्सनल लॉ बोर्ड लाना देश में तुष्टिकरण की शुरुआत', संविधान पर चर्चा में बोले अमित शाह
हमारी शिक्षा नीति का विरोध लेफ्ट पार्टियां भी नहीं कर पाई: राज्यसभा में बोले अमित शाह
ED ने IAS संजीव हंस से जुड़ी जयपुर, नागपुर, दिल्ली की प्रॉपर्टी अटैच की
फिलिस्तीन के बाद 'बांग्लादेशी हिंदुओं के समर्थन' वाला बैग लेकर संसद पहुंचीं प्रियंका गांधी
UP : संभल में 32 साल से बंद प्राचीन राधा-कृष्ण मंदिर के खोले गए कपाट, साफ-सफाई के बाद पूजा-अर्चना शुरू
जम्मूः कठुआ में एक घर में लगी आग, दम घुटने से 6 लोगों की मौत
यूपी विधानसभा का आज घेराव करेगी कांग्रेस, कई नेता लखनऊ पहुंचे
कड़ाके की ठंड में गणतंत्र दिवस के लिए वायु सेना की कर्तव्य पथ पर परेड रिहर्सल
राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में तापमान में भारी गिरावट के बीच, 78वें गणतंत्र दिवस के लिए वायु सेना कर्मियों की परेड रिहर्सल कर्तव्य पथ पर चल रही है.
नोएडा: प्ले स्कूल के टॉयलेट में मिला ‘स्पाई कैमरा’, बल्ब के होल्डर में छिपा था; लाइव देखता था डायरेक्टर. नोएडा के एक प्ले स्कूल के टॉयलेट में बल्ब के हॉल्डर में ‘स्पाई कैमरा’ मिलने से हड़कंप मच गया। गिरफ्तार किए गए आरोपी ने पूछताछ में बताया कि कैमरा सिर्फ लाइव ही दिखा सकता है इसलिए वह कैमरे की मदद से कंप्यूटर और मोबाइल के जरिए टॉयलेट में जाने वाले व्यक्ति को लाइव देख लेता था। दिल्ली से सटे नोएडा के थाना फेज-तीन क्षेत्र स्थित एक ‘प्ले स्कूल’ के शौचालय में लगे बल्ब के होल्डर में ‘स्पाई कैमरा’ मिलने का मामला सामने आया है। पुलिस ने मामला दर्ज कर पुलिस ने स्कूल के निदेशक नवनीश सहाय को गिरफ्तार कर लिया है। जांच के दौरान पुलिस को पता चला कि उसी ने ऑनलाइन ‘स्पाई कैमरा’ मंगवाया था।‘प्ले स्कूल’ की एक शिक्षिका ने पुलिस को बताया कि वह 10 दिसंबर को स्कूल में बने शौचालय में गईं। इसी दौरान उनकी नजर बल्ब के होल्डर पर पड़ी। वहां से लाइट आती दिखी तो उसे संदेह हुआ। उसने स्कूल के गार्ड को बुलाकर चेक करवाया तो उसमें एक ‘स्पाई कैमरा’ लगा हुआ मिला। उन्होंने इसकी जानकारी स्कूल के डायरेक्ट नवनीश सहाय को दी। आरोप है कि उन्होंने इस पर न तो कोई कार्रवाई की और न ही कोई जवाब दिया।पीड़िता का दावा है कि इससे पूर्व भी उन्हें स्कूल के शौचालय में एक ‘स्पाई कैमरा’ मिला था, जिसे उन्होंने डायरेक्टर को दिया था। शिकायतकर्ता का दावा है कि उन्होंने जब सुरक्षा गार्ड से बात की तो उन्होंने बताया कि यह कैमरा उनसे डायरेक्टर ने ही लगवाया था।पुलिस को जांच में यह भी पता चला है कि कैमरे में ना तो कोई चिप लगी है और ना ही कोई रिकॉर्डिंग होती है। आरोपी ने पूछताछ में बताया कि कैमरा सिर्फ लाइव ही दिखा सकता है इसलिए वह कैमरे की मदद से कंप्यूटर और मोबाइल के जरिए टॉयलेट में जाने वाले व्यक्ति को लाइव देख लेता था।आरोपी ने यह भी बताया कि उसने यह कैमरा पिछले दिनों ही ऑनलाइल मंगवाया था। कैमरा बल्ब हॉल्डर में छिपा हुआ रहता है इसलिए इसे आसानी से कोई पकड़ नहीं सकता। फिलहाल पुलिस सिक्योरिटी गार्ड की भूमिका की भी जांच कर रही है।
विपक्षी सांसदों ने वन नेशन, वन इलेक्शन से जुड़े विधेयकों का विरोध किया और वोटिंग की मांग की। मत विभाजन में 269 सांसदों ने विधेयकों के पक्ष में मतदान किया, जबकि 196 ने इसके खिलाफ मतदान किया।
विपक्ष के विरोध के बीच आज सरकार ने लोकसभा में एक देश, एक चुनाव बिल ( One Nation One Election bills) पेश कर दिया। कांग्रेस और कई अन्य विपक्षी दलों के सदस्यों ने इस विधेयक का विरोध करते हुए आरोप लगाया कि यह संविधान के मूल ढांचे पर हमला है और देश को तानाशाही की तरफ ले जाने वाला कदम है। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि विधेयक को संयुक्त संसदीय समिति के पास भेजा जाना चाहिए। कानून मंत्री अर्जुन राम मेघवाल ने मंगलवार को देश में लोकसभा और विधानसभा चुनाव एक साथ कराने के प्रावधान वाले ‘संविधान (129वां संशोधन) विधेयक, 2024’ और उससे जुड़े ‘संघ राज्य क्षेत्र विधि (संशोधन) विधेयक, 2024’ को पुर:स्थापित करने के लिए संसद के निचले सदन में रखा।बीजेपी. जेडीयू. टीडीपी. शिवसेना. एलजेपी. बीएसपी. असम गण परिषद. विरोध में पार्टियां- कांग्रेस. सपा. टीएमसी. आप आदमी पार्टी. सीपीएम. उद्धव शिवसेना.आईयूएमएल अन्य 14 दल
JPC के पास भेजा जाएगा ‘एक देश, एक चुनाव’ विधेयक, लोकसभा में पहली बार हुआ इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मत विभाजन
दो दिवसीय कुवैत दौरे पर जाएंगे PM मोदी 43 साल बाद होगा किसी भारतीय प्रधानमंत्री का दौरा
संतान की चाह में जिंदा चूजा निगल गया एक शख्स, दम घुटने से मौत, पक्षी बचा जिंदा, छत्तीसगढ़ का है मामला
दिलजीत दोसांझ के शो को कड़ी शर्तों के साथ पंजाब-हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट ने हरी झंडी दी है. शो आयोजित होने के बाद चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन हाईकोर्ट को आज स्टेटस रिपोर्ट दाखिल कर बताना होगा कि शो के दौरान सभी नियमों का पालन किया गया है या नहीं.
किसान नेता सरवन सिंह पंढेर ने आज पंजाब में दोपहर 12 बजे से 3 बजे तक ‘रेल रोको’ की भी घोषणा की. उन्होंने पंजाब के लोगों से आज किसानों द्वारा किए जाने वाले ‘रेल रोको’ आंदोलन में बड़ी संख्या में शामिल होने की अपील की.
पिछले 24 घंटों के दौरान, अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीपसमूह में हल्की से मध्यम बारिश दर्ज की गई।तमिलनाडु, केरल और लक्षद्वीप में हल्की बारिश हुई।पंजाब, हरियाणा, राजस्थान और उत्तर प्रदेश के कुछ हिस्सों में ज़मीन पर पाला (Ground Frost) गिरा।राजस्थान और मध्य प्रदेश के कुछ हिस्सों में शीतलहर (Cold Wave) की स्थिति देखी गई।अगले 2 दिनों के दौरान तटीय तमिलनाडु और तटीय आंध्र प्रदेश में हल्की से मध्यम बारिश के साथ कुछ स्थानों पर भारी बारिश होने की संभावना है।रायलसीमा और आंतरिक तमिलनाडु में भी हल्की से मध्यम बारिश हो सकती है।24 घंटों के बाद तटीय आंध्र प्रदेश और ओडिशा के दक्षिणी तटों पर बारिश की गतिविधियां बढ़ सकती हैं।19 और 20 दिसंबर को दक्षिण छत्तीसगढ़, आंतरिक ओडिशा, गंगीय पश्चिम बंगाल और तेलंगाना के पूर्वी हिस्सों में हल्की वर्षा की गतिविधियां संभव हैं।अगले 2 दिनों के दौरान उत्तर-पश्चिम भारत के न्यूनतम तापमानों में हल्की वृद्धि हो सकती है। इसके बाद तापमान में फिर से गिरावट आने की संभावना है।
India’s top technology services companies are expected to see a major revenue boost from digital transformation projects by the end of FY25. These companies, including Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, HCLTech, and Wipro, have already signed multiple digital transformation deals. This shift from cost-cutting to tech innovation is likely to impact the tech industry’s growth and job opportunities for students interested in IT and digital transformation careers.
Infosys has partnered with Google Cloud to create a new Center of Excellence focused on advancing enterprise AI and helping businesses grow with generative AI. This collaboration aims to improve both business and technology challenges. This development will influence future AI trends and present new learning opportunities for students interested in artificial intelligence and cloud technologies.
Laptop brand MSI has begun local production of its models, MSI Modern 14 and MSI Thin 15, in Chennai. The move is set to cater to the growing demand for advanced laptops in India, partnering with major retailers like Croma and Reliance Retail. This development offers students greater access to affordable technology, especially in regions with rising educational tech needs.
Khloe Kardashian is launching a new video podcast featuring weekly celebrity interviews. The show will include discussions with stars like Scott Disick and motivational speaker Jay Shetty. This will provide students an opportunity to learn about personal growth and entertainment industry insights from influential figures, perfect for those interested in media, communication, and public speaking.
Fans of the hit show The White Lotus are eagerly awaiting the upcoming season set in Thailand. This new chapter will explore fresh drama with a new set of characters and guests. Students interested in media studies, storytelling, and production can gain inspiration from the evolving dynamics of this Emmy-winning show, learning about international locations, character development, and cultural influences.
Actor Suniel Shetty is set to star in the historical drama Kesari Veer, which highlights the unsung warriors who protected the Somnath Temple in Gujarat during the 14th century. This film will give students a deeper understanding of Indian history and inspire them to explore creative storytelling through films and documentaries based on historical events.
Renowned actor-director Thomas Burleigh Kurishingal passed away at the age of 92. His contributions to both Malayalam and Hollywood films provide students with lessons on multicultural careers in acting and film production. His legacy shows how storytelling transcends borders and inspires future generations of creatives.
The first poster for the much-anticipated Superman movie was unveiled by director James Gunn, with the trailer set to be released soon. This development provides students with a closer look at the entertainment industry’s shift in superhero films and the creative process involved in bringing such iconic characters to life.
Jammu, Kashmir, Ladakh, and Himachal Pradesh are experiencing their coldest weather of the season. Temperatures have dropped below freezing, with the region bracing for intense cold waves until December 22. Students in colder regions can take this opportunity to learn about meteorology, weather systems, and the impact of cold weather on daily life, especially during winter months.
Ghana’s newly elected president has warned that the country’s funding agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) could limit their ability to implement quick reforms. This situation offers students an opportunity to explore global economics, debt management, and international relations, particularly how nations navigate financial crises and seek external assistance.
The “One Nation, One Election” Bill was tabled in the Lok Sabha, proposing simultaneous elections for the Lok Sabha and all State Assemblies. While 269 members supported the bill, 198 opposed it, citing concerns over its impact on the Indian Constitution. The bill includes amendments to key articles like Article 82(A), aiming to streamline the election process.
According to a recent report shared in the Lok Sabha, over 67% of workers involved in cleaning sewers and septic tanks in India come from the Scheduled Caste community. The data highlights the socio-economic disparities faced by these workers, with 37,060 of the 54,574 workers profiled under the NAMASTE scheme being from the SC category.
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has begun its Winter Internship Program for 80 post-graduate students from universities across India. Over the next four weeks, students will gain insights into human rights issues through expert-led discussions and field visits, reflecting on their future roles in advancing human rights in India.
India’s coastal security has received a significant boost with the operationalization of 204 coastal police stations under the Coastal Security Scheme. Minister Nityanand Rai reported that over 13,000 coastal police personnel have been trained, ensuring better protection against sea-borne threats and enhancing the country’s maritime security.
India has emerged as the world’s third-largest smartphone exporter, surpassing the 20,000 crore rupee mark in exports in November 2024. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw celebrated this achievement as part of the government’s “Making Bharat Story” initiative, highlighting the success of the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme.
The Indian Navy has celebrated a significant milestone in its shipbuilding capabilities with the steel-cutting ceremony of its first Next-Generation Missile Vessel (NGMV) at Cochin Shipyard. The vessel will be equipped with cutting-edge indigenous weapons and sensors, marking a major step towards strengthening India’s naval defense and combat readiness.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated that the Taiwan issue is a “red line” in relations with the United States, warning that any U.S. actions supporting Taiwan’s sovereignty will be met with strong opposition. His remarks come amid rising tensions between the two nations, emphasizing China’s firm stance on Taiwan while seeking stable diplomatic ties.
President Droupadi Murmu praised the increasing participation of women in India’s medical profession during the first convocation at AIIMS Mangalagiri. She acknowledged the significant contributions women are making to healthcare, and emphasized the importance of ensuring universal health access as a core principle for medical professionals.
India’s National Security Advisor, Ajit Doval, has arrived in China for the 23rd round of Special Representatives’ talks, aimed at restoring diplomatic relations after the military standoff in Ladakh. The talks will focus on resolving border issues and rebuilding trust between India and China, following an agreement on disengagement in the region.
A parliamentary panel has proposed increasing the annual payouts under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) scheme to Rs 12,000, up from the current Rs 6,000. The panel has also recommended a legal guarantee for the Minimum Support Price (MSP) to address farmers’ concerns, which have been central to the ongoing protests in Punjab and Haryana.
This segment of the school assembly news headlines focuses on updates from Indian states, covering local government initiatives, educational projects, and regional development news.
The 149th Shri Baba Harivallabh Sangeet Sammelan will be held from December 27 to 29 at the Shri Devi Talab Mandir in Jalandhar, Punjab. This renowned Hindustani Classical music festival will pay tribute to the late Ustad Zakir Hussain, a legendary figure in Indian music. The event will begin with a special tabla recital dedicated to Ustad Zakir Hussain, marking the festival’s emotional dedication to his memory.
Punjab will commemorate the 350th martyrdom day of Guru Teg Bahadur Ji with a series of major events organized by the state government. Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann chaired a review meeting outlining plans to honor the Guru’s legacy, including the development of sites related to his teachings and sacrifice. The state is set to observe this historic day on a large scale with special ceremonies and events across Punjab.
A 24-year-old youth from Wayanad, Kerala, tested positive for Mpox after returning from Abu Dhabi. The individual was admitted to Pariyaram Medical College Hospital in Kannur with symptoms of Mpox, and a special team of doctors has been assigned to monitor his health. Additionally, another youth from Thalassery who returned from Dubai with similar symptoms is under observation, with his test results pending.
Telangana’s State Health Minister C. Damodar Raja Narasimha has announced that the government will review the detention policy for students in engineering colleges. The state plans to discuss potential relaxations, including changes in re-examinations, credits, and fee reimbursement, in a meeting with the management of educational institutions. This move aims to support students’ academic progress and address concerns related to college admissions and academic pressure.
Madhya Pradesh is hosting the 10th International Forest Fair in Bhopal, which will run until December 23. The fair aims to foster dialogue and cooperation between forest industry stakeholders, including collectors, traders, entrepreneurs, and policymakers. The event, inaugurated by Governor Mangubhai Patel and Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav, features participants from countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Australia, focusing on sustainable forest management and ecological conservation.
Israel appears to be planning a long-term strategy to depopulate northern Gaza, preventing Palestinians from relocating beyond the Netzarim Corridor even after the conflict with Hamas ends. Since the war began last year, around 1.9 million Palestinians—approximately 90% of Gaza’s population—have been displaced, with many seeking refuge in southern Gaza as northern and central areas suffer heavy bombardment and destruction.
OpenAI has expanded ChatGPT’s functionality to include real-time web search, now accessible to all users, including those using the free version. Previously exclusive to paying subscribers, this feature allows ChatGPT to pull live information from the internet, providing faster, more relevant answers with links to sources. This upgrade positions ChatGPT as a cleaner, ad-free alternative to traditional search engines, integrating search directly into its interface.
Donald Trump Addresses the Media for the First Time Since Winning a Second TermIn the US, all attention was on Donald Trump as he addressed the media for the first time since securing his second presidential term. Speaking from his Mar-a-Lago club, Trump discussed a range of topics, including maintaining the availability of the polio vaccine, resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict, improving West Asia, and his plans for the upcoming inauguration, including whether Chinese President Xi Jinping had been invited.
In a landmark decision, the Bangladesh High Court has reinstated the non-party caretaker government system for holding parliamentary elections, declaring that the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution undermined key democratic principles. The Court emphasized that there is no legal barrier to reviving the caretaker system, which had been abolished under the amendment, signaling a major shift in Bangladesh’s political landscape.
Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, resigned unexpectedly, citing differences with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over the country’s future direction. The resignation came just hours before she was scheduled to present the 2024 Fall Economic Statement, which revealed a much larger-than-expected fiscal deficit, marking a significant moment in Canadian politics.
The OPEC Fund for International Development has approved nearly $1 billion in new development financing during the final quarter of 2024. The funds, approved at the 190th Governing Board meeting in Vienna, will support projects across Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America, focusing on infrastructure, food security, renewable energy, and economic resilience.
Cyclone Chido has caused widespread devastation in Mayotte, an island territory in the Indian Ocean. The powerful Category 4 storm, with winds reaching 225 km/h, struck the region on Saturday, leaving at least 20 confirmed dead and hundreds more feared lost. Authorities warn the death toll could rise to several thousand, making it the worst storm to hit the island in nearly 90 years.
Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to present an image of economic resilience, signaling his ability to outlast Western sanctions and opposition in the ongoing war with Ukraine. Putin’s regime is supported by a robust fiscal structure, including a balanced budget, minimal foreign debt, and substantial reserves, making it less susceptible to external economic pressures and providing stability during the conflict.
The possibility of improved relations between the US and China is on the horizon, with Donald Trump’s invitation to Chinese President Xi Jinping for his January inauguration signaling potential for thawing tensions. While Xi declined the invitation, analysts suggest that a pragmatic approach could foster cooperation between the two economic superpowers, but careful diplomacy will be necessary to avoid further deterioration of ties.
Germany plans to engage in talks with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a key Islamist group in Syria, regarding the country’s transitional process and the protection of minorities. This marks the first direct talks between German diplomats and HTS representatives since the group’s role in the Syrian conflict. The discussions will focus on political transition and the future of Syria following years of conflict and instability.
Riya Shirish Thatte from Aurangabad won the gold medal in the women’s 25m pistol final at the 67th National Shooting Championship Competitions in New Delhi. She triumphed over Punjab’s Simranpreet Kaur Brar in a shoot-off, winning 7-2 after both shooters tied at 31 hits in the eight series of five-shot deciders. This victory marks Riya’s first senior national title. Olympian and former Asian Games champion Rahi Sarnobat secured the bronze with 25 hits.
D Gukesh, India’s young chess prodigy, returned to Chennai on Monday after his historic performance in the Candidates Tournament. Unlike the grand reception he received in April after qualifying for the World Chess Championship, his arrival this time was more chaotic. For five minutes, the 18-year-old experienced a sense of nostalgia reminiscent of chess legend Mikhail Tal’s return to Riga in 1960 after winning the World Chess Championship at 23.
On day four of the ongoing third Test between India and Australia, India’s lower-order batsmen staged a courageous fightback to avoid the follow-on. Despite their efforts, Australia led by 193 runs in the first innings at the close of day four. With the match still in progress, Australia remains in a strong position to win on the final day.
D Gukesh, the young chess sensation, faced a chaotic yet memorable return to Chennai on Monday following his victory at the Candidates Tournament. Unlike his previous triumphant welcome in April after qualifying for the World Chess Championship, this time his arrival was marked by disorder.
The National Medical Commission (NMC) has officially released the syllabus for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) – Undergraduate (UG) 2025. The updated syllabus covers the core subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, providing a strong foundation for aspiring medical students. The Undergraduate Medical Education Board (UGMEB) of the NMC has urged stakeholders to refer to the revised syllabus to guide the preparation of study materials and NEET UG examinations for the academic session 2025-2026.
he National Testing Agency (NTA) has opened the registration process for the National Council for Hotel Management Joint Entrance Examination (NCHM JEE) 2025. Aspiring candidates can visit the official NTA website at exams.nta.ac.in/NCHM to complete their registration. The last date for registration is February 15, 2025. Candidates are advised to complete their application well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.
The Jharkhand High Court has issued a stay order on the release of the final merit list for the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) Combined Graduate Level (CGL) examination. This move comes amid allegations of paper leaks and irregularities in the recruitment process. Although the initial result and the list of candidates selected for Document Verification (DV) were published, the court’s intervention has temporarily halted the finalization of the selection process.
The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has become the first IIT in India to introduce Fine Arts and Culture Excellence (FACE) Admissions for its undergraduate programs, starting in the academic year 2025-2026. This new initiative is designed to acknowledge and reward students who have demonstrated excellence in fine arts and cultural activities. Prof. V. Kamakoti, Director of IIT Madras, announced that FACE Admissions will create two supernumerary seats per program across all B.Tech. and B.S. courses.
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the provisional answer key for the SSC Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ Examination 2024 (Paper I). Candidates who appeared for the exam can now access the answer key on the official SSC website at ssc.gov.in. The provisional answer key is available along with candidates’ response sheets. To view the answer key and raise any objections, candidates need to log in using their registered ID and password.
Emerging market nations are facing a grim financial outlook in 2025, as the total debt accumulated over the past decade has now reached $29 trillion. A new report from the United Nations indicates that a record 54 nations will spend more than 10% of their earnings just on interest payments. Countries like Nigeria and Pakistan are projected to allocate over 30% of their revenue to servicing debt.
Boeing’s stock has taken a severe hit, falling by 35% in 2024, making it one of the worst-performing stocks in the S&P 500 index this year. Despite expectations of recovery, Boeing is facing its most significant stock-market decline since the 2008 financial crisis. Analysts predict that Boeing’s shares will likely see only a small rebound in 2025.
Asian stock markets experienced heightened volatility as investors awaited key interest rate decisions from major central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, this week. The region’s main stock indices remained within narrow trading ranges as global economic indicators showed mixed results. Mainland Chinese shares saw slight gains after a disappointing retail sales report, while Hong Kong’s market saw a downturn.
In a bid to boost economic recovery, the Chinese government has promised more effective fiscal policies to stabilize its housing and equity markets. This follows a call from senior officials for additional stimulus to address the country’s slowing growth. Among the measures, China will regulate the supply of land for new construction to invigorate the property market.
Ghana’s newly elected president, John Mahama, has warned that the funding agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will limit his government’s ability to implement substantial economic reforms. Following his electoral victory, Mahama’s administration now faces the daunting task of addressing Ghana’s severe debt crisis, which saw the country default on debt that reached nearly 100% of its GDP by the end of 2022.
Indian technology services firms are poised for a significant boost in revenue, with a forecasted 10 percentage point year-on-year growth by the end of financial year 2025, driven largely by digital transformation deal wins. This shift indicates an improving demand environment for the IT sector, as clients re-evaluate their tech spending after nearly two years of cautiousness.
Infosys has announced the launch of a Google Cloud Center of Excellence on December 17, aimed at boosting enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) innovation. The center will serve as a catalyst for co-creation, helping businesses harness Generative AI to achieve transformative growth. The center will leverage Infosys’ Topaz AI capabilities and Infosys Cobalt cloud capabilities, combined with Google Cloud’s Generative AI technology, to address complex challenges across both business and technology domains.
Taiwan-based laptop brand MSI has unveiled its local manufacturing plans for India, beginning with the production of two popular laptop models, the MSI Modern 14 and MSI Thin 15, at the company’s Chennai facility. As part of its strategy to make these laptops more accessible to Indian consumers, MSI has partnered with major retail brands like Croma and Reliance Retail for distribution.
US President-elect Donald Trump has held meetings with major tech leaders in recent weeks, including Apple CEO Tim Cook, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew. The meetings have sparked concerns about TikTok’s future in the US, as President Joe Biden signed a federal law that could lead to a ban on the popular social media app. TikTok is under pressure to divest its Chinese ownership interests by January 19, 2025, or face a potential ban in the US.
Garena Free Fire MAX, the popular multiplayer battle royale game developed by 111 Dots Studio, continues to captivate players with its exciting gameplay and adventure-driven features. To enhance the gaming experience, the developers release daily redeem codes that allow players to unlock valuable in-game rewards, such as stylish skins, powerful weapons, and diamonds, without spending real money.
After captivating audiences with its Hawaiian and Sicilian settings, the Emmy-winning HBO series The White Lotus is heading to Thailand for its highly anticipated third season. The show, centered around a fictional luxury hotel chain, will introduce a new group of guests and staff, with fresh twists and drama expected. Fans are eagerly awaiting the premiere as the series continues its exploration of opulence and its darker undercurrents.
Khloe Kardashian, a beloved figure in the Kardashian family, is taking her talents to the podcasting world. Soon, she will be launching her own video podcast, featuring weekly conversations with high-profile celebrities. The podcast’s debut will include notable guests such as Scott Disick (Khloe’s sister Kourtney’s former partner), podcast host Jay Shetty, and motivational speaker and author Mel Robbins.
Actor Suniel Shetty is set to team up with Vivek Oberoi and Sooraj Pancholi for the historical drama Kesari Veer. The film will focus on the legendary defense of the Somnath Temple in Gujarat by unsung warriors during the 14th century. Directed by Prince Dhiman and Kanu Chauhan, Kesari Veer aims to shed light on the bravery of the defenders who fought to protect the sacred temple from invaders.
Thomas Burleigh Kurishingal, a renowned actor-director, passed away at the age of 92 on December 16 while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Ernakulam, Kerala. He had a prolific career, initially making his mark in Malayalam cinema with Thiramala (1953) alongside Sathyan. Later, he ventured to Hollywood, where he gained recognition for his portrayal of Mexican characters in films and TV shows.
The excitement surrounding the new Superman film reached new heights as director James Gunn unveiled the first poster on December 16. The upcoming movie stars David Corenswet as the iconic Man of Steel. Gunn also revealed that the film’s trailer will be released later this week, giving fans their first real glimpse into the world of Superman.
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